The Custom Shop Top Picks

Take a look at our favourite products and gear from the top suppliers in vehicle components, camping and outdoor gear.




We are really excited to be stocking a selection from the incredible range of RidgeMonkey outdoor gear. Originating as a think-tank of likeminded anglers (who know a thing or too about keeping warm, dry and comfortable in the great outdoors!), RidgeMonkey have developed cutting-edge technologies for camper cooking and the adventure lifestyle.

Their design signature is understated, functional and perfectly in tune with outdoor activities. RidgeMonkey cookware and accessories are reliable, stylish and fantastic value for extreme performance in challenging conditions.



Thule motorhome accessories give you freedom and space on the road – not to mention class-leading comfort and security. The Custom Shop is an authorised Thule retailer, and we are here to recommend, install and maintain all the Thule components you need for your next trip.

Bring your life. Thule was established in Sweden in 1942. And ever since then, the company have made it their business to bring you closer to the world and your passion for life. Run by an international group of people, the Thule team are united by a commitment to helping active families and outdoor enthusiasts.



Japanese inspired innovative flaming devices since 1978. SOTO is now serving the world market for Shinfuji Burner of Japan.

Dedicated to generating and integrating the “Blue Flame” in every flaming device, SOTO’s engineers have devoted their lives to creating products that reach a maximum sustainable flame in the least possible amount of time. Devices that can be trusted to function in extreme cold and chilling winds. Every effort is made to provide the highest safety and technical standards at all phases of production, resulting in an enhanced outdoor experience for end-users of SOTO’s products.




Whatever the nature of the adventure, Robens are the reliable partner that helps turn your dreams to reality. For instance, options are numerous to lighten heavy packs for long distance treks and micro adventures. Adventure motorbikers, touring cyclists and canoeists are just some of the outdoor activists that find Robens tents suitable to their needs. Off-road adventurers, the bushcraft community, active families and more appreciate the choice that allow them to tailor shelter and comfort to suit needs. 



Easy Camp

Easy Camp tents are easy to understand designs that offer great usability, so you can easily get away when and where you want.  

An Easy Camp tent is your passport to freedom. They open up new horizons and the chance to enjoy yourself with friends and family. There are so many opportunities to express yourself, try new challenges or just kick back and relax. With so many tent styles you’ll soon find the perfect tent for your lifestyle.



We love the outdoors! But we know that if we want to continue to make the most of it we need to take care of our planet and the environment. That’s why Storm have introduced the new easily recyclable aluminium Ultimate Range.

Using plastic-free packaging, the aluminium bottle range offers outdoor enthusiasts premium look and feel products - that are not only great for their outdoor gear, but also better for the environment!

A huge 91% of discarded plastic isn’t recycled and it has been predicted that by mid-century, the oceans will contain more plastic waste than fish, ton for ton. With aluminium packaging having a higher recycle rate than plastic, the new aluminium bottles offer an easily recyclable option that will help to reduce the amount of disposable plastic waste going into landfill or ending up in the ocean.


Van Life: Inspiration for Your Home on the Road
Sale Price: £7.50 Original Price: £15.99


Vanlife and the nomad philosophy can be distilled into a single word: freedom. Hitting the road is just as much about the journey as the destination. It’s about creating great memories with the people you love, discovering secret spots, and making great friends in the process. Start small with a weekend getaway from the noise of urban life, or go long-haul and join the growing band of intrepid digital nomads working remotely from continent-spanning mega trips. No matter what route you take, the world is out there for you to explore.